The Truth about YoungLA & Rawgear

The Truth about YoungLA & Rawgear

In a surprising air out on the Bradley Martyn YouTube channel, Brad addresses a collaborative past with the owners of YoungLA where they worked together seeking inspiration from Gymshark for their brands. Brad reveals in the emotional vlog that as far back as 2015, Rawgear and YoungLA would take pieces from the competing brand as starting point for their athletic wear.

"I didn't think so much of this shit at the time, because I was just like well they're winning I'm winning who cares. But, this will all make sense to you guys 2022 when we final split, and shit hit the fan and it became like everything in their power they would do to hurt myself and my brand because we all had the same audience."

Brad goes on to detail that a third party company became a host of influencers in the same circuit, creating similar products, the list goes on to state:

Brad claims that all these individuals and brands would place orders for similar inventory with something as sample as just a logo change between each brands.

"Around this exact time, November 2022, okay... My customer list, I see, for the first time, I see for the first time. Now, I can not tell you that I was not as privy to looking around all this background stuff that I was at that time because I knew we were splitting I had to learn all this stuff about this business that I didn't previously have to learn, and that's on me. Right. But when I look, tell me why, and I'll literally put this in the video right now. YoungLA warehouse downloading my customer list as they are splitting with my company."

This shocking reveal is fairly eye opening for the fitness community as other YouTubers have previously called out some of the named parties for copying other brands. Stay tuned for more as we watch the story unfold.